Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Silence of the Lambs

Hello all,
So this week I began reading The Silence of the Lambs! We're testing this week at school, so I've had a ton of time to read it, and I can not put it down! It's so great. This novel is written by Thomas Harris. As many of you know, it's also a movie (which I also really enjoyed!). This book is so disturbing, creepy, realistic, and fast paced! There is never a dull moment as the reader travels with Clarice Starling in her quest to locate Buffalo Bill before it's too late. Harris is fearless in his writing and description of the mental hospitals Clarice visits. My favorite part of the book is that the story is told from the third person, and every other chapter (or so) we get a glimpse of other character's and their dire situations. This novel is worth reading - just make sure you have lots of time to read it so you don't have to put it down!


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