Saturday, July 6, 2013

Review: The Ruins by Scott Smith

I just finished reading this book for the third time today. Every time I read it, I find something new! This is definitely one of my favorite books. So what is The Ruins about?

Well, let's see. A quartet of young adults go on a luxurious vacation to Mexico. They meet a few interested people, and are eventually lured into the Mexican jungle to find one of their new friend's brother. Unfortunately, they find much more than that. The group stumbles upon an ancient hill top with a temple - the ruins - and the locals watch them as they make their ascent. When they try to leave the hill top, the locals grab their bow and arrows and rifles and refuse them. After lots of confusion and terror, they eventually realize why they're being quarantined - the vines inhabiting the ruins are lethal.

This novel had me on edge as each of the members is terrorized by the plants in sickening, creepy ways. I highly recommend this unorthodox, original piece of work!


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